Monday, June 22, 2009


Everyday and every night
You pray to Allah, with all your might
You love him lots and respect him too
But you have this fear, inside of you
And this fear, that will get you through
To worship Allah, He will help you

When you feel lonely, you remember Him
When you feel scared, you remember Him
When you are upset, you remember Him
When you are happy, you remember Him
When you laugh, you remember Him
When you smile, you remember Him
And Allah remembers you too

There are people out there, who don’t pray
They forget their religion; they feel their life is astray
But then there are those, who pray night and day
They fight the Shaitan, they make him go away
So they can worship Allah, Who helps them stay
Who helps them with Islam, in every single way

When you feel lonely, you remember Him
When you feel scared, you remember Him
When you are upset, you remember Him
When you are happy, you remember Him
When you laugh, you remember Him
When you smile, you remember Him
And Allah remembers you too

Allah wants you to ask for everything
He is your Lord, He is your King
He is the only one, Who is able to bring
The glimmering light, which is brightly shining
So this is the time, where you do your part
You ask for forgiveness and help, that is where you start

When you feel lonely, you remember Him
When you feel scared, you remember Him
When you are upset, you remember Him
When you are happy, you remember Him
When you laugh, you remember Him
When you smile, you remember Him and Allah remembers you too

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"Manusia itu umpama musafir yg sedang dlm perjalanan jauh,,, berhenti ia disepohon pokok yg rendang (yaitu dunia) lalu lalai dan leka ia berehat disitu (perkara2 didunia),, sehingga dia melupakan tujuan asalnya (menuju ke akhirat yg kekal abadi),,"

Seni adalah tiruan daripada keindahan dan sumber keindahan ialah Allah yang dapat disaksikan bekasnya di dalam alam ini,dipandang dan direnung oleh hati sanubari yang fana di dalam cinta dan baqa lantaran makrifat.

Keikhlasan itu umpama seekor semut hitam... di atas batu hitam.... dimalam yang amat kelam.... ianya wujud, tapi amat sukar dilihat.......Jangan tertipu dengan terangnya bulan, kerana disebalik terang itu banyak kegelapannya............