Friday, May 21, 2010


Assalamualaikum WBT

When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember
 ALLAH is The Kind

When your life is in darkness
 And nothing is right
 Remember just remember
 Through the darkness, ALLAH is The Light

When nothing makes sense
 And you are heading for demise
 Remember just remember
 It doesn’t make sense, but ALLAH is The Wise

When times are troubled
 And no one seems to care
 Remember just remember
 ALLAH won’t hurt you, He is The Most Fair

When your heart is breaking
 And your pain makes you fall
 Remember just remember
 ALLAH is The Omniscient

When you are weak
 And the road seems long
 Remember just remember
 Seek strength from The Strong

When life is a burden
 And everything is unstable
 Remember just remember
 ALLAH is The Able

When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
 Remember just remember
 ALLAH is The Only Guide

When no one wants to listen
 Or is willing to lend an ear
 Remember just remember
 ALLAH is always ready to hear

When you are poor and penniless
 And you are stuck in a niche
 Remember just remember
 ALLAH is The Rich

When you are down in your misery
 And there is nowhere to run
 Remember and remember
You can always run to The One

And when your scars are hurting
 And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember
 ALLAH is always by your side

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"Manusia itu umpama musafir yg sedang dlm perjalanan jauh,,, berhenti ia disepohon pokok yg rendang (yaitu dunia) lalu lalai dan leka ia berehat disitu (perkara2 didunia),, sehingga dia melupakan tujuan asalnya (menuju ke akhirat yg kekal abadi),,"

Seni adalah tiruan daripada keindahan dan sumber keindahan ialah Allah yang dapat disaksikan bekasnya di dalam alam ini,dipandang dan direnung oleh hati sanubari yang fana di dalam cinta dan baqa lantaran makrifat.

Keikhlasan itu umpama seekor semut hitam... di atas batu hitam.... dimalam yang amat kelam.... ianya wujud, tapi amat sukar dilihat.......Jangan tertipu dengan terangnya bulan, kerana disebalik terang itu banyak kegelapannya............